FAPA 2020 – Fine Art Photo Awards

Two nominations at the FAPA 2020

Oliver Krebs - Golden Record | 60x80 cm | 2014

apa – Annual Photography Awards 2019

A selection of images from Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category Street at the 2019 apa.

Neutral Density Photography Awards 2019

Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category Open Theme at the ND Awards 2019.

Oliver Krebs - Signal & Noise | 80x90 cm | 2015

Chromatic Awards 2019

Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category Professional | Street photography at the Chromatic Awards 2019.

Book Cover Signal & Noise

ipa – International Photography Awards 2019

The book Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category Fine Art Books at the IPA 2019.