From the book Signal & Noise | no title | C-Print | app. 60×90 cm | Paris 2014
GUEST-ROOM | John Fleetwood
“Perhaps I was looking for something that refuses to be photographed. I was only chasing shadows, perhaps”
Chasing Shadows’ by Santu Mofokeng
Der Greif Guest Room aims to spark collaborations. That’s why John Fleetwood is teaming up with Eric Gyamfi, a photographer based in Ghana in chosing the theme for this instalment. Eric Gyamfi has provided the following quote as the theme/subject.
Signal & Noise – HOME AGAIN Stadthaus Ulm
Die Welt befindet sich in einem Prozess der Transformation, welcher sich in einer…
Chrismon | Kulturbeutel
Johann Hinrich Claussen Eine Vielfalt schöner, anregender, erschreckender, verstörender…
Signal & Noise – HOME AGAIN Willy-Brandt-Haus
Die Gruppenausstellung HOME AGAIN zeigt zeitgenössische fotografische und…
Home is where… you make it.
“MAKE IT HOME” geht der Frage nach, wie wir uns als Menschen neu ein-, an- und verorten…
Zuhause auf der Straße
Tagesspiegel | Heimelig war mal: Die Fotoschau „Make it Home“ in der Kommunalen Galerie…
Golden Record – MAKE it HOME Ausstellung
Die Gruppenausstellung zeigt fotografische und Video-Positionen, Kommunale Galerie Berlin
FAPA 2020 – Fine Art Photo Awards
Two nominations at the FAPA 2020
apa – Annual Photography Awards 2019
A selection of images from Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the…
Neutral Density Photography Awards 2019
Signal & Noise was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category Open Theme at the ND…